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Tostitos Scoops: Nothing artificial

Let me quickly introduce and recommend a “new party look” Tostitos Scoops. This is another version of tortilla chips that comes in scoop-like shapes designed to help you with grabbing more salsa than usual. Scoop salsa well with Tostitos Scoops! There is nothing wrong with that: salsa is a healthy vegetable snack and the Tostitos […]
Toxic Sweetness of Sugar

Every healthy food and food ingredient should be consumed in the amounts that are adequate to your body size, age and the level of your physical and mental performance. REMEMBER: Anything, absolutely anything, including vitamins and water can be turned toxic due to overly consumption. This rule is especially true with regard to our consumption […]
Big Shot Fruit Punch: A punch into your health

When you are shopping for a healthy soft drink, there is useful tip to follow: Skip all kinds of punches, including fruit, berry, citrus , etc. It looks as if beverage industry has selected them for experimenting with introduction of the nastiest chemicals into the American diet. Remember, punches usually contain little or no fruit […]
Wonka Frosty Nerds: Another chemical candy

Do you know that according to the Wikipedia, “nerd” is a person, typically described as being overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired? This is one thing. As the second meaning, “nerd” is a form of candy that is essentially small irregularly-shaped bits of sugar crystal which are covered with a thin candy-coating. Yes, coating… This […]
The foods that can help relieve allergies

By Leo Galland, MD, founder of Foundation for Integrated Medicine in New York City. An internist, he treats many patients with chronic allergies and specializes in integrating nutrition and herbs with conventional medicine. He is author of The Fat Resistance Diet (Broadway) and Power Healing (Random House). The right foods can help relieve allergies […]
Smart Guide To Food Dyes: Buying foods that can help learning

This Smart Guide was prepared by David Wallinga, M.D., Director of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy’s Food and Health Program, with the assistance of Robin Schow. 2009. The original PDF file can be downloaded at the Institute’s website: What makes Twinkies appear unchanged, even after months on the shelf? In part, it’s […]
You decide: FUZE Berry Punch

It does look like Fuze is a brand designed to confuse the consumers who are looking for healthy beverages. I came to this conclusion after taking a look at a few Fuze drinks. Fuze has been initially conceived as a health drink fortified with a variety of vitamins, antioxidants and electrolytes. But after its acquisition […]
The right choice: Jelly Belly Snapple beans

The overwhelming majority of candies you can buy for your child in the American grocery stores is nothing more than mixtures of sugar and starch chemically colored with artificial food dyes. However there is no any reason that the candies in America should be that primitive and potentially health damaging, except quick and, sometimes, dishonest […]
Do not fool yourself with 7 Up Cherry Antioxidant

Nowadays antioxidant is a fashionable marketing word that attracts customers who have heard something about the health benefits of suppressing destructive activity of free radicals naturally generated in living cells. Here is 7 Up Cherry Antioxidant soda offered to you by Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. But wait; do not be carried away yet! Please read […]
Why let Jell-O terrorize your health?

I wonder what’s on minds of those who buy Jell-O “snacks.” Do they believe they buy food? What do they think when they treat their poor children to this animal gelatin contaminated with a variety of chemicals? Do they think this is a healthy low calorie strawberry snack? Terrorist attacks kill people instantaneously; food surrogates […]