Recent Articles
Estimate Risk and Nutrition of Any Processed Food

A year of 2011 is expiring and this is a good time to take a look backward in order to better understand the way walked. The DyeDiet has developed an original food risk and nutrition estimation approach designed to help the consumers to sort out risky foods in favor of healthier more nutritious products. As […]
America’s Nutritional Choices

I see healthy and unhealthy foods in a little bit different way from what the mainstream media promote as “good” and reject as “bad” food. For decades high calorie content has been considered as a “bad” factor. But energy supply is one of the major functions of food that keeps us alive. So in my […]
Artificial Colors of Candy Canes

Christmas should be the time when everyone makes another effort towards truth, peace and moral cleanliness. Not so for the candy makers. Those keep thinking more about how much they will profit from deceiving you and your kids. Made in Mexico, Life Savers Candy Canes look more like “Life Wasters” to me. While the container […]
Right Bread For Christmas

When I asked a local bakery owner how many ingredients are in his breads he answered: Five or six… Yes! That was exactly what I was looking for! Indeed, if you want to find healthy bread, simply count the number of ingredients and reject anything where ingredient list exceeds, let say, 12 items. Do not […]
Energy Drinks: Why I don’t need them

Energy drink market is fastest growing segment in the beverage industry. And that is what I don’t understand: Why millions young Americans feel the way that they need to artificially boost their activities? More or less healthy nutritious diet with vegetables, grains and meats can deliver enough energy for any kind of mental and physical […]
Mayfair Cane with motor oil

Original candy cane was simply a stick of pure white sugar. Unfortunately, modern candies are “improved” by deceptive artificial colorants, flavors and other non-nutritious additives. Therefore while the Holiday Season, you and your children have higher chances to be exposed to those problematic food additives. Please read a fresh article about what I call the […]
Real Deal Pickles

Pickles are good addition to salads, sandwiches, relishes, soups and other kinds of foods we enjoy. Surprisingly, it is hard to find pickles which do not denatured by addition of needless and potentially harmful chemicals such as preservatives, artificial colorants and surfactants. For instance, previously reviewed Mt. Olive Kosher Dill pickles do contain sodium benzoate […]
ZFruit Rope: Your fruit twists

So many fruit snacks designed for children have little or no fruits. Starches, gums and artificial colorants are added instead to mimic fruits and berries that you can see only depicted on the labels. Recently reviewed Fruit Gushers of General Mills Sales, Inc., is an example of such a kind. But we have good news! […]
Pedialyte: Time to poison your child

It is sad for me as a professional chemist to find out that my highly educated colleagues from a respectful pharmaceutical and health care giant, Abbott, are playing pranks with YOU by designing and selling to you Pedialyte, a miserable chemically loaded twin of Gatorade marketed to the American children (see Food marketing to children […]