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Ride a bike, get healthier!

I have no doubt that you know so well where your closest gas station is. But I am not so sure that heard about bike station. If you don’t have to drive long miles every day then saddling bike looks like right idea for at least a couple of reasons. First, driving a car within […]
Seafood allergy where you may not expect

The more humanity consumes food surrogates containing dozens of food additives the more we become allergic to normal natural food like milk, eggs, nuts, seafood, soy and wheat. I like to say what may seem an exaggeration but I don’t think it really is: The more we deviate from human food the less human we […]
Alternative treatments of ADHD and Autism

Health statistics for the U.S. children According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of the year of 2011 we had 9.5% (7.1 million) children with asthma, 8.4% (6.2 million) children diagnosed with ADHD and staggering 48% of U.S. children under age 18 suffered from various types of allergies. Read PDF file […]
Which Mac and Cheese is richer in… GMO?

No cheese in Mac and Cheese Macaroni and Cheese is one of the highly popular meals in America. It was an important part of quick fix lunch or dinner for generations of young Americans. Perhaps it still is: Today, for instance, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese enjoys almost 1.5 million likes on Facebook. This is despite […]
GMO secrets of corn snacks

Common sources of GMO According to the Wikipedia 80% of Hawaiian papaya, 85% of corn, 91% of soybeans, 95% of sugar beet and 88% of cotton produced in the United States are genetically modified. However potential GMO threat comes not only from the crops (fruits) but also from a numerous food ingredients derived from them. […]
Why Do We Have Food and Health Crisis?

What we eat in America: Chemical food surrogates The United States of America is strongest economy of the world. Well, at least it used to be just a few years ago… One should expect that in the country with such a strong economy the population should have access to best selection of healthiest food and […]
Party Smarter, Not Harder: Knowing the Facts About Alcohol and You

Just about everyone loves to be social with their peer group. In modern Western society, this usually includes alcohol. But what you don’t know about alcohol, even if you only occasionally indulge, is playing a large role in sapping your natural vitality and beauty. That’s because alcohol is actually a poison with many side effects […]