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Does snacking with Jell-O worth the risks?

Quick answer is NO. Perhaps original Jell-O gelatin desserts of nineteen century were made with natural strawberry, raspberry, orange and lemon flavors. Today Jell-O gelatin snacks (of Kraft Foods) both sugar-sweetened and low calorie versions are one of the most outrageous fruity food hoaxes sold in the US and Canada. The snacks which pretend to […]
DyeDiet Calculator: Limeade vs Gatorade comparison

Why Limeade is bad Limeade Sparkling Cherry was earlier recognized as chemically polluted water. Indeed, despite it says on the label: “All Natural; Calorie free,” the only ingredient your body can make use of is water. But addition of 8 chemicals, makes the water denatured. Moreover, from the 8 chemicals 5 are potentially dangerous (given […]
SunnyD or Kool-Aid: Which waste is deadlier?

Perhaps after Kool-Aid, SunnyD is the next most disgraceful chemically saturated fruit flavored drink, which no human being should ever touch. Red-colored versions of SunnyD contain about 400 mg/gallon of potentially carcinogenic azo dye Red 40 whereas aggressively marketed to children Kool-Aid contains doubled amount of the dangerous artificial color; about 800 mg/gallon. Based strictly […]
Dye Diet Calculator as a verification tool: Tootsie Roll candy

Tootsie Roll vs Cherry Slices Tootsie Roll is chewy candy well-known in the United States for about 120 years. A while ago Tootsie Roll candy was viewed as a lesser evil in comparison with Cherry Slices candy of Zachary Confection available at Walmart. Since that time the Dye Diet Calculator has been designed and the […]
You Can Feed Yourself

We have a number of major problems in the American food supply: chemical food additives, residual chemical pesticides, residual chemical fertilizers, genetically modified food and toxic heavy metals in the growing portion of food we import from overseas. All these problems follow from mass-production of food in the economy driven strictly by profit maximization. On […]
Sesame Brittle: A nutritious alternative to M&M’s and Skittles

Should candies always be unhealthy? Majority of American candies is made of sugar, starch, artificial flavors and artificial colors. Skittles, Twizzlers and M&M’s are among 25 top-selling sweets in the USA that are loaded with artificial coloring agents and other unwilling chemicals. In the last year 23,178,881.35 pounds of artificial food colors were certified by […]
Toxic shock: California allows carcinogenic glyphosate in drinking water

By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, June 17, 2013 (NaturalNews) Late last week, a story broke that revealed glyphosate — the chemical name of Roundup herbicide — multiplies the proliferation of breast cancer cells by 500% to 1300%… even at exposures of just a few parts per trillion (ppt). The study, published in Food and […]
What the Dye Diet Calculator can do for you?

Not hunger, not weapons of mass-destruction, not even greenhouse effect but profit-driven industrial mass-production of food is the biggest problem of today’s world that destroys the natural environment and life on the planet altogether. In this madness, year after year, human civilization dangerously deviates further away from its natural ways. With over 3000 FDA-approved food […]
Knorr bouillon cubes: A pinch of chemicals to American meal

Isn’t it a good idea to add some spicy flavor to soup or pasta? Yes, but I would not recommend to do so with Knorr Tomato Bouillon with Chicken Flavor cubes produced by Unilever in Mexico for American consumers. Why? For the two reasons: Knorr cubes contain 10 mg of potentially carcinogenic Yellow 6, Red […]