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Nutrition detecting tools for you

You cannot trust food manufacturers In the economic system where profit is the major factor that determines economic growth and success of a business, profit maximization is the ultimate goal that every business is struggling to achieve. Obviously, the existing paradigm of economy is dramatically disconnected from the major goals that are pursuing by every […]
The true cost of cheap food

With the economic globalization it comes growing understanding of the undeniable fact that profit-based economy does not correlate with well-being and happiness of humanity. Moreover, it becomes more and more obvious that profit-driven economy is an unfortunate suicidal course and that a resource-based economy is the only alternative. By the Wikipedia definition, factory farming is […]
The health benefits of milk tea

Milk tea is a beverage obtained by mixing green or black tea with milk. Therefore milk tea offers a combination of beneficial health effects that come with catechin antioxidants and L-theanine of tea and protein and calcium of milk if you are not lactose intolerant. The addition of milk reduces astringent and bitter flavor of […]
What Paleo Diet is and why to consider it?

The paleolithic diet is a modern nutritional plan which is based on the assumptions of what ancestral human diet was like: wild plants and animals. It was presumably cnsumed by humands of Paleolitic Period (sometimes reffered to as caveman diet) which lasted appfoximately from 2.5 million years to 10,000 years ago until agricultural development introduced […]
Sour Cabbage Vegetable Blend Beets Cancer!

Sour cabbage is one of the undervalued types of food in modern American culture. It is known mostly under its German name: sauerkraut. Technically, sauerkraut is shredded cabbage that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria, for instance, Lactobacillus. In the past sauerkraut was used by sailors to provide the proper nutrients during months long […]
End Food Dyes in America: Support and Sign Kellogg’s Petition

This is a reprint of an important article by Dr. Alan Greene calling for signing the petition asking Kellogg’s to eliminate artificial food dyes from fruit snacks intended for American children. Indeed, for instance, Kellogg’s Fruit Loops contain four artificial colorants and BHT preservative. Dr. Alan Greene is the Founder of, the KidsGlyphs iPhone […]
Super Quick Homemade Pad Thai

This is very easy, takes about 10 minutes. Go to whole foods, natural foods or any Asian store. Get there 6 oz rice noodles, tamari sauce, tamarind paste (still good without the paste but that is what makes it authentic); get some cilantro, 2 garlic cloves (chopped), broccoli, and 2 tbsp vegetable oil. Drop the […]
Healthy candy: Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate

Candy is a confection made from sugar but this doesn’t necessary mean that all candies should be as unhealthy as Jolly Rancher made with added artificial colors and flavors. Let me introduce Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate. You can buy it in Sam’s Club, Costco or order online from Amazaon. On the package it reads: “Brookside’s […]
How Many Calories Do You Need?

Recently I have published an article Fighting Obesity: Stop Eating Chemical Food Surrogates where I referred to highly recommended YouTube video Sugar: The bitter Truth and excellent science-backed book Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease by Robert Lustig, an internationally renowned UCSF pediatric endocrinologist. One of the key points […]
Garlic: Great weight loss benefits

You believe me or not – I eat 2-3 garlic heads every week. Some time ago I have published an article Why Garlic Is Your Friend describing health benefits and medical use of garlic. In particular, I successfully use garlic water to prevent and fight flu instead of controversial flu shots. Here is another tribute […]