Recent Articles
Almond Pecan Cashew Clusters: A healthy alternative to American candies
With a few exceptions, the majority of American candies are nothing else but disgracefully primitive mix of sugar, starch, artificial colors and artificial flavors sold under different brand names. The composition suggests that it has been “invented” and mass-produced by a group of brainless and talentless individuals associated with the American food industry. Or maybe […]
Fighting Obesity: Stop eating chemical food surrogates!
Comforts of modern civilization come with many unintended consequences. Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are one of them: According to The World Health Organization, NCDs are by far the leading cause of mortality in the world, killing 36 million people each year. Cardiovascular diseases account for most NCD deaths, or 17 million people annually, followed by cancers […]
Hershey’s Candy Coated Milk Chocolate: An artificial love
In the past, before I started paying attention to what is inside, I used to like M & Ms and drink Dr Pepper. But then I have learned that far not everything you see in your grocery store is safe to eat. As a professional chemist, I like manipulating chemicals in the lab, not eating […]
Gatorade vs Powerade: Toxic sports drinks
Gatorade Fruit Punch It is sad watching people buying and drinking Gatorade, low calorie sports drink. Why? Because they are FOOLED to believe that they buy sports drink and an electrolyte. Not only Gatorade is UNHEALTHY due to added chemicals and artificial colors but it is also a fake electrolyte! Look, potassium content is only […]
Nehi Peach soda: Another swill for slaves
I don’t know what Nehi soda was like back in 1924 when it was launched but today it is just another clone among dozens of copies with the same toxic ingredients that flooded American market. Only brand names and chemicals added for flavor are different; the content is essentially the same. When I see “beverages” […]
The Dye Diet Calculator: Ingredient lists interpeted for you!
Tomorrow is the Dye Diet’s second anniversary. Guess what? I have a nice (I do hope!) present for you on this occasion! Please click on the Dye Diet Calculator link on the right menu of every page!!! Yes, for two years I have been publishing reviews on processed foods and beverages. For two years I […]
Wheat Thins Multigrain: Good news
A year ago I have recommended Wheat Thins Original. For some reason Kraft Foods added Red 40 artificial color to their Wheat Thins Ranch, otherwise healthy snack. This time I would like to recommend Wheat Thins Multigrain snacks which contain 17 grams of whole grain per 31 g serving. Nutritionists recommend eating 3 or more […]
Jolly Rancher: Yellow 5 plus Blue 1 equals green apple
Soda is a variety of sweetened sparkling fun drinks. But life cannot be just continuous pure fun. Your body is very serious about it: It needs water to function correctly, to keep you healthy, active and productive. Of course, you can have fun of drinking sugary soda once in a while but if you totally […]
Diet Dr Pepper Cherry: More chemicals in your blood
According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 36% of adult and 17% of young Americans were obese in 2009 – 2010; 53% total. Obesity is expected to reach 65% by 2030 so that obese and overweight people will be more common than normal weigh population (see Why Dr Pepper is not your doctor). […]